The Insider Middle East

An Insider’s Guide to Dubai

No one knows a city quite like her people. Read on for the exclusive recommendations to discover Dubai’s hidden gems, explore the vibrant Middle Eastern culture, and enjoy the authentic city like a local.

Explore Dubai

Feasting in the Emirate

Experience Dubai’s Old-World Charm


About Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism)

With the ultimate vision of positioning Dubai as the world’s leading tourism destination and commercial hub, Dubai Tourism’s mission is to increase the awareness of Dubai among global audiences and to attract tourists and inward investment into the emirate.

Dubai Tourism is the principal authority for the planning, supervision, development and marketing of Dubai’s tourism sector. It markets and promotes the Emirate’s commerce sector, and is responsible for the licensing and classification of all tourism services, including hotels, tour operators and travel agents. Brands and departments within the Dubai Tourism portfolio include Dubai Convention and Events Bureau, Dubai Calendar, and Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment. In addition to its headquarters in Dubai, Dubai Tourism operates 20 offices worldwide.