The Insider Middle East

September savings you won’t believe at Middle East Millennium Hotels!

The whole Middle East is your oyster for a holiday break this September.
Enjoy up to 30% off for a 2-night stay at Millennium Hotels. Treat yourself and your family. Explore the secrets of great cities and boost your fun budget into the bargain.

Choosing a 2-night break before the end of September with Millennium Hotels means an incredible discount of up to 30%. That boosts you and your family’s fun budget to make your holiday even more memorable!

That’s the super special offer from such renowned hotel chain Millennium Hotels & Resorts MEA.

And it doesn’t end there.

My Millennium members earn double My Millennium points too. Or a whopping triple points for 3 nights or more! Unlock treats with points, such as room upgrades, dining vouchers, club lounge access or even essential laundry services. Not to be sneezed at! Join today if you haven’t already.

Explore the secrets of the Middle East’s best cities

Half the fun of holidaying is the planning and choosing. Looking up destination cities and finding the most exciting things to explore. Bazaars, restaurants, malls and marinas – this special offer gives you loads of choices.

There are 4 star and 5 star participating hotels, resorts and serviced apartments across the Middle East to choose from.

Superb luxury and assured service in hotels, resorts and serviced apartments

Unbeatable levels of comfort, service, pleasure and satisfaction – that’s what the Millennium brand is renowned for.

It means spacious bedrooms, the ultimate in comfortable beds and a level of service and attention that is as professional as it gets in internationally renowned hotels.

It’s time you lavished this luxury experience on you and your family.

Discover the best dining experiences from top class chefs and culinary teams

When you dine at Millennium you realise they know how important superior cuisine is for keeping guests really happy. Experiment in signature restaurants that serve up a feast of global and local cuisines.

You will understand why many returning guests choose their favourite hotels based on the satisfying quality of the dining experience.

Facilities to meet your every need

Most hotels offer well equipped fitness centres staffed by fully trained coaches. You will have all the advice and guidance you need to max out the equipment and stay in shape.

Mix pleasure with business too, with a full range of facilities to act as your office on the go.

Millennium hotels understand what business people need and ensure it’s all at your disposal.

Bargain prices – Full details and participating hotels on the website

Check out the offer today. We are certain you and your family will not be disappointed.

Urgent – Click here for full details of the Millennium Hotels offer – ends September 30th.